Embodied Self-Inquiry

Right now, I am curious, what does it feel like to allow awareness to fall into the feet and feel the point of contact with the ground supporting them? That’s right, feel the support that is here for you always. And I am wondering, can you feel the alive presence inside your feet? What would it be like to feel this alive presence throughout the whole body?

In this open field of alive presence, what may be noticed - tension, emptiness, perhaps even a sense of numbness or even joy? Is it possible to feel the spaciousness around everything arising in this moment ? As you open to what is here, what has been avoided - what can be discovered, embraced, metabolized?

Deeper Inquiry - “Who am I?

Who is aware of all of this?  What is untouched by movements and reactions? What is always still and at peace even though feelings, emotions, sensations, and thoughts are arising?  This is the doorway to freedom that can never end. This is the offering of Ramana Maharshi’s teachings as they came to me through Gangaji.

Fear is about survival. When you drop under that and experience the fear without trying to change it, just letting it be, then it becomes still. When you open your heart to fear, rather than trying to fight it or deny it or even overcome it, then you find it is just energy. ~Gangaji

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Shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being - Gangaji