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Embodied Meditation and Self-Inquiry - Re-Claiming All of Yourself

Recently I have discovered even more subtlety in the ways of slippery projection - how how energy splits off, and what is uncomfortable or intolerable or perceived as unsafe in me gets attributed to those around me. Ahh..there can be a sense of relief in this projection, but it is temporary - this splitting off of energy and creation of a world separate from who I am feels profoundly painful. Familiar, but painful. This is where war begins - initially with what has been disowned in me, and eventually with the world around.

I am curious to explore how this mechanism of projection works; what fuels it, what gets avoided as certain aspects of energy/ life force are disowned, and what happens when it is all reclaimed - even for an instant. What if you could be wholly yourself? If there was full capacity to embody all of yourself with no need to create separation? What if you could rest deeply in the Truth of who you are and live from here?

Come join us to discover.

contact me here to receive the link to join by zoom.

Denver - 10am-11:15

Boston - 12pm
London - 5pm
Amsterdam - 6pm
San Francisco - 9am

Everyone is welcome. The gathering is free and donations are accepted $0-$20 here: