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Embodied Meditation and Self-inquiry - What is being Avoided?

As we watch war and violence unfold around the world and in our own communities, I am curious about what we avoid. What do we avoid outside of us - the suffering of others, the root causes of what is unfolding & the part we play? How do we avoid through spiritualizing? And what do we avoid inside of us? I notice that sometimes I can be quick to judge others - going to war in my mind - but if I look deeper, I can recognize that the judgement is a way to avoid something more painful - sadness, hurt, fear, hopelessness or despair. Moving out against another through my thoughts, words and actions, lets me avoid dropping in to meet what is uncomfortable, overwhelming, perhaps terrifying. Then there is the opportunity to turn in and meet what has been avoided - discover what is here deeper than any thoughts, labels or reactivity. This is the way in to True Peace.

You are welcome to join us in discovering how we go to war & what gets avoided in the process. You are invited to drop in and discover True Peace.

We plan to gather on Saturday April 2nd from 10 to 11:30 am Mountain Time for guided meditation, silence and inquiry.

Everyone is welcome. The gathering is free and donations are accepted $0-$20 here:

Please contact me to receive the zoom link.