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Embodied Meditation and Self-Inquiry - Right Now, This Moment

Dear All,

I finally seem to have caught covid after all this time without it. It has been humbling, revealing, and a gift in its own way. As the body and mind are calling for profound rest, there is little to do but surrender - even that is too much. There is little to do……no energy to project a future, dig into an imagined past or follow any imaginings of the mind that are anything other than right now, this moment. Whatever energy is available is used for the present needs - preparing herbs and nourishing food, whatever else shows up to be met in the moment. The body takes care of itself in its own time, and there is a new intimacy in this slowed down world. Deeper noticing of the way the sun moves across the sky, the subtleties of the wind as it rises and falls in the afternoons. Watching the birds fly in and out the birdhouse we hung on a tree years ago that has never been occupied until this summer. Watching the asters and the daisies bloom.

The timing is just right for this - still on summer break from school which starts in August and the great privilege of being able to rest and not have to work through this time beyond a few zoom calls. Despite the permission to rest, there can still be a tendency to move out of right now, to pick up something with the mind as a way to stay in control, to avoid the terror of the emptiness of the apparent nothing. And yet, when awareness falls into the terror of the emptiness, it reveals itself and fullness and everything, rich, colorful, abundant life. Love. Nothing else needed, nowhere to go.

I invite you to join me in rest, to feel the deliciousness of the present moment, discover what moves away, and what happens when the movement is not followed.

We plan to gather on August 5th from 10am to 11:30 mountain time.

5pm London

6pm Amsterdam

If you would like to join us, please contact me here for the link.

The gathering is free and donations are accepted here: