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Embodied Meditation and Self-Inquiry - Tolerating Discomfort

Tolerating discomfort - why would I want to do that? I do everything I can to avoid discomfort!

Yes, this is true, we often do everything we can to avoid discomfort, for some very good reasons. It can trigger a response from a time that was unsafe - it can activate the nervous system into a fight, flight, freeze or shutdown reaction that at one time protected us. In turn this activation can feel terrifying, overwhelming, even more uncomfortable and the reaction spiral builds until we numb out, distract, sooth ourselves through whatever means necessary. Discomfort can be both a trigger and a response to a trigger, and we can become masterful at avoiding these sensations.

I am curious, though, what else gets avoided in this process? What else are you numbing, distracting yourself from, shutting down in the attempt to protect yourself? How are you silencing your own deepest wisdom?

What beauty and majesty of shakti are being denied?

And what do you really want?

What if it is possible to support the nervous system to tolerate sensations that have been labeled “uncomfortable”, “too much”, “overwhelming”? What if you can safely build the capacity to not just tolerate, but open to your own life force as it shows up in you in the form of intense sensation?

What if this capacity grows with a natural discernment so that you can be fully present no matter what arises? What if tolerating discomfort can support the falling open as a deep pool of wisdom that can respond as love itself - nothing avoided or denied? No one, no thing, no other. Pure, empty, open grace of being?

Please join guest facilitator Liz George and me to discover what is possible as we build the capacity to tolerate discomfort and discover its gifts in the sacred container of our shared gathering.

We plan to meet on Saturday April 1st at 10am Denver time - please allow 2 hours for this gathering.

5pm London

6pm Amsterdam

If you would like to join us, please contact me here for the link.

The gathering is free and donations are accepted here: