Psychedelics and Consent

I love this conversation around consent - what is needed to create space that is “safe enough” to surrender into an altered state where healing and transcendence may be realized.

PT480 – Psychedelics and Consent: Power Dynamics, Boundaries, and the Concept of 'Safe Enough' | Psychedelics Today

I spent years immersed in the queer/ kink community of San Francisco - this desire for surrender beyond all form leading the way. I love the way journeying with plant medicine feels like journeying in “play” - opening deeply into intention “set” and intentionally crafting a safe space “setting” for everything to be given up - all strategies, identities, beliefs and norms, even the intention itself and the one with the intention - all given up, surrendered, so there is nothing left, no one left. Empty, spacious, silent, whole.

This invitation into transparency and integrity around embodied consent is a gift to the psychedelic space.

More can be found in this book which I highly recommend: Integral Psychedelic Therapy: 9780367766429: Medicine & Health Science Books @

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